Campton Hills has been semi-rural for generations. Horses, goats, chickens are part of the picturesque landscape here…
…perhaps you noticed that:
Your guests universally comment on how beautiful the area is. With little intervention, our citizens have built and maintained wonderful lots and housing stock…
Mike Tyrrell and the current Village Board are engaged in a project to re-regulate virtually every lot in our village. Re-zoning and the new zoning ordinance are the foundation of new zoning and code enforcement. President Tyrrell has said that he expects a flood of nuisance complaints that will require additional officers and that residents should prepare for a municipal tax!
Stop MicroManaging
Who wants a Village-wide HOA?
Campton Hills has been semi-rural for generations. Why mess with success?
Stop Excessive Zoning and Code Enforcement.
No one asked the Village to re-zone virtually all of us, seeking a foundation for future zoning, code and nuisance enforcement. Many of us have HOAs already. Does anyone want a Village-wide HOA too?
Past errors have resulted in some zoning errors that should be corrected. However, Mike Tyrrell is trying to redefine zoning rules for the entire Village and re-zone many of our lots.
A re-zoning effort like this will fundamentally define Campton Hills and what it looks like. It should only be considered in the context of prior plans and with as much CURRENT community input as possible.
Increase Transparency and Communication.
Let’s face it. Communication from the Village stinks. Documents are not posted, moved or deleted from the website. Mike Tyrrell decries social media, so the Village has no presence. The Community Counts newsletter is dedicated to self-promotion and is littered with errors.
Meetings of the Village Board and other committees/commissions should always be available on Zoom to anyone in the community.
The Village shares as little as possible and even manipulates the record. That is why the election of a genuinely professional Village Clerk is so essential!
Improve Relations With Other Units of Government.
Our residents were upset, but not surprised, that President Tyrrell broke off negotiations with Campton Township in July, leaving us with no highway services. This is typical of Tyrrell’s arrogant style when working with other units of government.
The Village of Campton Hills can only directly provide minimal services. Many other services, from highway maintenance, fire/EMS and 911 to water and sewer, are provided by other government entities.
Our Village President must work cooperatively with other government units while always seeking the best interests of our Village.

Before the current re-zoning campaign, Campton Hills was engaged in comprehensive and strategic planning for over a decade that was abandoned by the current administration. Learn more about it!

Implementing a new village-wide zoning ordinance and re-zoning hundreds of parcels is a big deal. From the Camiros plan to the 2013 and 2019 public sessions to the Steering Committee and Vision Plan…Learn how it went wrong.

Today, planning and zoning initiatives must emphasize sustainability. Campton Hills can be a model for other communities in supporting small-scale homesteading. Learn more more!
Table The New Zoning Ordinance!
- Vote in the PRIMARY on February 28, 2023…
- Then, vote in the GENERAL ELECTION on April 4, 2023…
Vote In New Candidates!
Introducing a diverse group of residents dedicated to restoring government in the Village of Campton Hills to the simple business of managing our finances, keeping our residents safe and working constructively with other units of government.
Barbara Wojnicki
for Village President
Barbara served for 24 years representing Campton Township on the Kane County Board, serving 10 years as Chairman of Energy and Environmental Committee on the Board (among other committees. She is a Pioneer of Campton Township Open Space and served 2 years as a Campton Township Trustee.
As a Kane County Board Representative, she has also been a KC Forest Preserve Commissioner for 24 years. Barbara is proud that Kane County Forest Preserve now has roughly 25,000 acres of Open Land!
Barbara has great experience interfacing with the various government units that the Village works with. Barbara opposes the proposed zoning ordinance and supports more open communication with residents.
Tracy Johnson
for Village Clerk
Tracy has 24 years of municipal experience and served as Village of Campton Hills Deputy Clerk and Campton Hills Executive Assistantfrom 2014 – 2018. Tracy’s deep roots in municipal government have uniquely prepared her to serve as Village Clerk.
Tracy opposes the proposed zoning ordinance and supports transparency and open communication with Village residents.
Nic Boatner
for Trustee
Nic grew up in St. Charles and has lived in Campton Hills with his family since 2013. He has seen plenty of growth and positive change.
Nic is a prominent local businessman and stands for open communication, less micro-management, efficient maintenance of our roads and no re-zoning.
Learn more about Nic at Vote4Boat.com
Janet Burson
for Trustee
Janet moved to Campton Hills in 2015 for the semi-rural lifestyle. She previously founded and managed a number of successful businesses.
As Trustee, Janet opposes the new zoning ordinance and supports open and transparent communication with residents.
Since moving to the area, Janet has served on the Campton Hills Community Relations Commission. She is a guardian ad litem for abused and neglected children and a CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) volunteer.
Learn about Janet at Janet4Trustee.com
Tim Morgan
for Trustee
.Tim and his family enjoy the outdoors and space that we have and wants the community to stay that way.
He has 46 years in the automotive industry and is Chief Operating Officer of Spanesi Americas, Inc. Their parent company in Italy is the only supplier of a complete 360 solution of equipment to outfit the complete Collision Repair Facility
Tim Morgan successfully forced a municipal primary election with his write-in candidacy in 2019. He opposes the current re-zoning effort and supports the Equestrian Path Restoration and Enhancement. He believes in open community communication, supporting law enforcement, supports the Kane County ‘Adopt a Highway’ program and a family non-profit called 2nd Chance Ranch.
Learn more at MorganForCamptonHillsTrustee.com
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Why Planning Matters
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Re-Zoning and the New Zoning Ordinance
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Our community works because our residents care